Te presentamos los próximos webinars y seminarios que se llevarán a cabo en septiembre. ¡Registrate!

2/9 – 8.30 hs to 13:00 hs : A Morning At AACI – Join us for our new FREE workshops!
Confirmed speakers:
Ben Walden, Luciana Fernandez and Alejandra Ottolina
Where?: BAC, British Arts Centre, Suipacha 1333
Fee?: FREE!

Register HERE


3/9 – 14.00 to 15.30 hs : Teaching Through Tales
Workshop organised by Dream On Productions
Speaker: Karen Golden
Where?: AACI Retiro, Suipacha 1333
Fee?: $3600. Special 20% discount for our subscribers.
Write to [email protected] to get your discount code
Write to [email protected] to register, pay and for more information


17/9  Lucy Crichton at the BAC. Event organised by Macmillan Education. More information coming soon!


24/9 – 10 hs to 11 hs :Getting Pre-Teens Exam Ready
Online webinar for those interested in preparing their students to sit our new AACI Certificates level
This webinar is free of charge

Register HERE


30/9 – 12 hs to 13 hs : Getting Pre-Teens Exam Ready
Online webinar for those interested in preparing their students to sit our new AACI Certificates level
This webinar is free of charge

Register HERE


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